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Once you have planned the vault architecture you are ready to start the deployment process.

The first step is to deploy an Oracle Router and configure it to price all of your vaults (and external collateral vaults) to a common denomination. The Router will be installed in every vault you subsequently deploy to make a coherent pricing configuration.

Deploying the Oracle Router

  1. Visit the Vault Manager UI and connect your wallet. EVK Vault Manager

  2. Navigate to the Oracle Page. Oracle Router

  3. Press Deploy and execute the transaction to deploy the Oracle Router.

Configuring Oracle Adapters

  1. Input the Oracle Router address under Manage Existing Router. Oracle Router

  2. Add the chosen Oracle Adapters for your vault assets, including external collateral vaults. Oracle Resolved Vaults Config

    • Press Add Oracle Adapter at the top.
    • Under Token 0 input the asset's ERC20 address.
    • Under Token 1 input the unit of account, either WETH or USD (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000348).
    • Wait for available adapters to load and select an adapter from the dropdown
    • Press Add Oracle Adapter and execute the transaction to complete the configuration.
    • Repeat these steps for every vault asset, including external vaults used as collateral.

Modifying or Removing Oracle Adapters

  1. Input the Oracle Router address under Manage Existing Router. Oracle Router

  2. Browse the configured adapters on the right hand side. Oracle Router

  3. Press Edit to change the configuration or Delete to remove it.