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The Euler Vault Kit is a collection of components for building ERC-4626 compliant vaults. It is designed to be flexible so as to support a variety of use-cases.

Anyone who wishes to create a vault can choose some basic parameters and then invoke the EVK Factory. The parameters that much be chosen include:

  • Which other vaults can be accepted as collateral to borrow from your vault (if any), and what the maximum LTV (Loan-To-Value) ratio can be.
  • What pricing methodology should be used to price the assets contained in the vault, and the collaterals.
  • If there are any supply/borrow caps that limit the sizes handled by the vault.
  • Whether the creator should retain governance control so as to adjust the parameters in the future, or if the vault should be ungoverned.

Vault creators can install a fee receiver to earn a portion of the fees paid as interest, or forgo this in order to make the vault more attractive for users.

For the full technicaly details, see the EVK Whitepaper.