Batching Transactions
The Euler app comes with a transaction queue where you can string together multiple actions and executed them in one transaction. This is made possible thanks to the Ethereum Vault Connector (EVC) which comes with built-in transaction batching. bar
Batching is even more powerful on Euler because the EVC defers account- and vault status checks until the end of the batch. This means the order of actions does not matter as long as the end state after executing them is consistent with the protocol rules. For example, while ordinarily you would need to
Transaction Queue
You can access your transaction queue in the sidebar where you can move, edit, or delete actions.
Simulation Mode
In the transaction queue you can enable simulation mode for the transactions. Simulation mode will show the app UI as if the transactions in the queue were executed onchain. This involves actual onchain simulation so any swaps in the transactions will return the actual amount received etc. Simulation mode is a useful tool to verify that your queued actions match your expectations on your Portfolio Page and elsewhere.